Brijesh Patel


Name Hindi: ब्रिजेश पटेल / Gender Man

Brijesh Patel: A Cricket Legend

Brijesh Patel, a celebrated name in the world of cricket, made significant contributions to this fascinating sport. He was a renowned cricketer who represented India at an international level and carved a niche for himself with his dedicated performance and commendable spirit.

Early Life and Career

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Born on November 23, 1952 in Bangalore, Brijesh Patel comes from a family that had deep-rooted faith in sports as he began developing his interests early in life. Possessing an adoration for cricket from childhood, he was able to translate this passion into a splendid career that has awed numerous individuals worldwide.

  • Brijesh completed his schooling in Bangalore where he perfected his background skills by participating in various school-level cricket tournaments.
  • Inspired by his persistent efforts and sheer hard work, it wasn’t long before he rose through the ranks amidst challenging competition.

Sporting Achievements

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Brijesh’s sporting prowess naturally earned him recognition; the magnitude of which bore testimony to his class act performances on the field.

  • Made his first Test debut against England in July 1974; scored an impressive half-century to save India from defeat – an innings still cherished by many fans!
  • A bright star who never let any opportunity go unavailed; throughout his career, Brijesh exhibited power-packed performances with consistent match-winning knocks.
  • An exceptionally talented player, Brijesh displayed determination and grit irrespective of adversities faced during matches.

Post-Cricket Career

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Even post his cricket-playing tenure, Brijesh did not fail in maintaining a strong affinity with the sport. He transitioned into various influential roles that allowed him to contribute back to cricket.

  • Served as the Secretary of Karnataka State Cricket Association (KSCA) where he ardently worked on improvising sports facilities and nurturing young talents for future generations.
  • Received immense acclaim for developing an International standard stadium in Bangalore which stands today as a monument of his dedication towards improving cricket infrastructure in India
  • A member of Indian Premier League’s Governing Council and was instrumental in shaping its success during initial years.


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With exceptional talent and high spirits, Patel made significant contributions to the enthusiasm around cricket. His individual performances have left an indelible mark on spectators’ hearts across generations. However, what truly stands out is how well he played every inning irrespective of circumstances – making Brijesh’s legacy one built upon resilience, perseverance, and quite simply a deep love for the game!

Underneath all his accomplishments, Brijesh Patel remains a selfless man dedicated entirely to the upbringing and improvement of cricket in its entirety!


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Cricket Legend
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