Cricket Terms

Term Hindi: पंख

Understanding the Cricket Term: “Feather”

Often, novices entering into cricket are confronted with a number of terms which may not carry an obvious explanation in their namesakes. One such term is “feather”. While it may bring to mind visual images related to birds, within cricket’s context “feather” derives its meaning from something completely different.

A Brief Definition

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In the simplest of descriptions, a “feather” refers to the tiniest contact or ‘edge’ between ball and bat that results in dismissal for a batsman during cricket games. Commonly, it takes keen observation and listen to notice this form of contact as it happens almost imperceptibly under regular play conditions but can often be detected by close-up camera footage or audio technology.

Uses and Importance of Feathering

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  • Detection Skills: With such subtle contact being categorized as feathering, one important factor required here is the alertness and skillset detection of umpires. The more experienced they are, the better chances there are at spotting these minimal tactile contacts between bat and cricket ball.
  • The Role of Reviews & Technology: When a decision concerning feathering comes into question during professional matches, technology becomes crucial. Features like Hot Spot or Snickometer have been devised precisely for detecting any small change due to friction on the ball’s surface from grazing the bat while in motion.
  • Gentleman’s Game Appeal: Sometimes feathering dismissals depend on the honesty policy where opposing players trust each other; if a batsman knows that he has gotten an edge (however slight), he should walk off the field voluntarily even before any appeal. This principle reinforces why cricket is termed as a “Gentleman’s Game”.

Impact on Cricket

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The concept of feathering expands the dynamics of cricket by making every single delivery crucial and creating an atmosphere, where even the slightest lapse in concentration can lead to dismissal. It emphasizes that every single interaction between bat and ball holds potential significance.

In Conclusion

A subtle yet potentially game-changing aspect within cricket, understanding the term ‘feather’ sheds light into finer aspects this sport cherishes. Intricate rules such as these make cricket not just a physical match but also a battle of keen observation, strategic decision-making power and sometimes, pure gentlemanly conduct.



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